Small Canvas Name Craft

I used this as a prop during my maternity shoot. I think it turned out super cute!! I'm going to hang it on the outside of his door when I'm done with it:)
Here is how I made it: 
The four squares are mini canvas' I found them at Crafty Things on Kadena (but i'm sure Michaels/ACMoore/Hobby Lobby have them as well). They are about 2X2 inches. 

First, I painted them white. Yes, I know they were already white but not white enough if you know what I mean:) 

Then I found a font that I liked online and printed the letters JACK out on regular computer paper I had to do this twice because I messed up the sizes, it takes a little guess and test sometimes. 

I cut the letters out and transferred/traced them onto contact paper (sticky back) and cut them out.

I stuck them to the canvas' and then painted over the contact paper with the blue. I let it dry for a few minutes (maybe 5) I didn't want the stickers to get stuck onto the canvas. 

I peeled the stickers off and did a few touch ups and there you have it. 

I measured the outside of the canvas and cut little pieces of scrapbooking paper to fit. I used Mod Podge to make it stick. 

Then after all of that was dry I cut a sponge and did the black around he outside to give it the "aged" look.Then put some more mod Podge to seal everything.

I then glued the ribbon on the back and cut it at the bottom of the K to make it even with the canvas.

I think it turned out really nice and once again was super simple to make:)))

Let me know what you think!!

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