"Do Not Touch!!!"- Reuse craft

So I'm sure for any of you who have kids have used the phrase "Do not touch!" or maybe its "NO! You may not have that!". Well I felt like I was using it DAILY with my (almost) 2 year old. I'd turn around and she'd be crawling on my desk, reaching for a pair of scissors...or un-rolling ALL of my tape. 

I saw this idea on Pinterest and HAD to use it. I took our old Shower hanging Organizer, named it to the wall above my desk, and used it to organize/hang all the stuff that Skyzilla shouldn't touch. It's an easy "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" type of DIY thing- which is always the best because it means its cheap and handy. 

A bigger shower hanger would have been nice, but this works great for keeping my scissors and tape up high as well as keeping my stamps/labels/bills out of reach from my toddler! 

                                        Try this yourself, its super handy!


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