Queen of the Jungle

So, I did this awhile ago (actually almost  2 years ago) for my daughter, Skyler's, room. We chose a jungle theme when I was pregnant with her and we went to town on making these hanging letters.

First, I bought the letters from Walmart and Michaels. The reason I went to both is because Walmart didn't have some of the letters I needed. So the "Queen" letters are different from the rest- no big deal at all.

I chose to paint the "Queen" part first. I had to use 2 coats of pink paint but I used a darker shade of pink for the edges; which also needed 2 coats. We chose green and brown for the rest of the letters until we got to "Jungle".

We used the green fronts with brown edging for every other letter in the word JUNGLE. The ones that weren't green/brown we designed as different animal prints. It might look complicated but it was SO easy (and I literally have no artistic drawing ability). First I painted the base color of each animal print, 2 coats is a must for this too. I then went on to Google and just searched images of "Zebra Print" or "Giraffe Print"...ect.

Affter the base colors dried,  I drew on the print (with a pencil) as best as I could. It doesn't matter if you mess up because animal prints don't need to be perfect! After I penciled on the lines, I then used a fine paintbrush to paint in the lines.

I let them dry for about a day (I know it doesn't take that long, but I wasn't chancing it!) before I brushed on a light coat of clear polyurethane. This protects the paint and gives it a glossy look.

Now the next step isn't needed, because it looked super cute without...but I felt that adding on some wood cutouts couldn't hurt. I went to Michaels and bought some different cut outs for about 25 cents a piece. I attached these cutouts to the words randomly, using a hot glue gun. Like shown below,I used a Crown cut out to top the "Q"

I had my boyfriend hang the letters for me, using a mix of tacks and small nails. We had these Jungle animal wall stickers from The Dollar Tree, so we added them on the wall around the letters to keep with the theme.

The total project took about a week- this was in our spare time. But I believe it could probably be done in 2 days, if you work tediously!
Give it a whirl, its fun and its a cheap, easy decorations for ANY room!


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